Few weeks ago, when I was searching this Indrajal in English Mr. Walker had promised to send me instead of posting at his own blog which he was planning to launch, this one, and sent me this Indrajal Comics. Thanks, buddy!
As he is busy with his exams, I decided to post this one at his blog, not mine, to encourage this selfless Youngman. Our goal was to collect all Indrajal, not posting all in own blog. There are limited blogs, visitors can take a look. Isn’t it?
I’m hoping, he’ll play very important role in 2nd round posting Indrajal Comics – for me, it’s not reposting old scans, but new, better and complete version. Most of us know that there are several Indrajal which need rescanning.
It's first Indrajal Comics scanned by 'Mr. Walker'. I'm glad to find out, the show is going on. We are near to complete collection and second round of Indrajal Posting already started, better versions are coming online.
At present in the collection of this fan, there are approx 640 Indrajal Comics. Hoping someday he’ll have all 803 Indrajal Comics.
Let friendship, harmony, selflessness, love and honour for each other - win.
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