Monday, August 3, 2009


This is one of the comics that was posted early..

but there were some problems..

as i said before, i will not post a comic without a cover..

m talking about this...

indrajal comics no. 32- october, 1966 (NEW SCANS)


High resolution:


Standard resolution:

I've rescanned this the early version was missing some pages..

hope the visitors will be happy..


PBC said...

Wow! New scans & all pages. As well as quality of scans are fine. Thanks Mr. Walker!

Unknown said...

thanks. good job

Colonel Worobu said...

This is a very good effort. I downloaded the HR scans and they look wonderful. You also got all the ad pages as well, which I really appreciate. The watermarks on all pages is a bit distracting but it's only a minor problem.

Colonel Worobu said...

The existing version of "026-1966-Phantom-The Jungle Patrol" is very poorly scanned. Can I request this as your next post if you have this issue?

Preeti said...

Hey Thanks!! Can you please do the diamond cup also. The existing scan is from photographs (although the bloggers have taken a lot of effort to get those)

24thphantom said...

@colonel worobu..thanks..but i dont have #26 in my collection..sorry..though i wil look for the comic..

24thphantom said...

@preeti..thanks..i wil try to keep your i dont have #16 in my collection..

24thphantom said...

to all..i must apologize..sorry..the pages are bit cut..but i didn't cut the pages..the comic was cut in that way..very bad..i hated..

Rafiq Raja said...

Awesome quality... Thanks much for sharing Walker.

Hope to see more better scans and IJC's from you :)


TPH said...

Terrific! Thank you Mr. Walker. Hope you continue walking and providing us more such treats. Thanks again.

Jai said...

Thanks for this new scan. Nice to see the additional two pages of ad.
As remarked earlier, watermarks are too obvious. Do try to make it discreet if possible.
Rest, keep up the good work.
Thanks once again.

AJAY said...

Just visit

for HQ Indrjal comics #32
